Monday, August 31, 2015

children's story

Yay a little story (inspired by sesame street, Bruscar means trash :P )
about sorting trash

that's pretty much the story
okay I got lazy

Other diagrams I drew for the project! The trash cans are out of perspective tho

Chibi hisoka pet game

Did this for my pw, a health app! :)

He gets sick if you eat too much :(

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hisoka chibi

Sketched version of my chibi! ^-^ It's a pokemon crossover with a pikachu body <3

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hisoka penguin!

Tried to make a chibi from polymer clay haha!! My second attempt making one, so I'm happy at least it managed to bake. 
Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter ;)